Diary Bunda Aplikasi Kehamilan

Asa Bestari Citta
DeveloperAsa Bestari Citta
Update Time2023-05-23
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About this app
Selamat atas kehamilan kamu, dan selamat datang di Diary Bunda — aplikasi kehamilan dan kesehatan ibu dan anak terbaik yang telah dipercayai oleh lebih dari 500.000 ibu di Indonesia! Sebagai ibu hamil, terutama kehamilan pertama, pasti ada banyak pertanyaan dan kebingungan yang bisa membuatmu cemas dan khawatir dengan kesehatanmu dan bayi. Dipercayai oleh ratusan ribu keluarga, Diary Bunda akan menemanimu menjalani hari demi hari masa kehamilanmu sehingga tidak perlu khawatir lagi. Aplikasi kami memberikan informasi tentang berbagai perubahan menarik yang terjadi pada tubuhmu dan bayi yang sedang berkembang di dalam perut ibu. Untuk mulai memakai Diary Bunda, kamu hanya perlu memasukkan HPL (hari perkiraan lahir) dan aplikasi ini akan secara otomatis memberikan daily dan weekly updates sesuai dengan pertumbuhan bayi dan ibu, disertai ilustrasi menarik dan cantik. Dapatkan informasi penting tentang kehamilan, dari trik mengatasi morning sickness, panduan nutrisi, mitos dan fakta kehamilan, tips memilih sepatu yang tepat, hingga tips agar bisa tidur nyenyak saat perut sebesar semangka. Ketika bayi sudah lahir, aplikasi ini akan secara otomatis berubah menjadi panduan parenting yang akan membantumu menjalani peran sebagai orang tua. Temukan berbagai informasi penting mulai dari proses pemulihan persalinan, milestones anak, tips makanan, tips menyusui, bagaimana menjaga kemesraan dengan pasangan, hingga menjaga kesehatan mental sebagai orang tua baru. Semua konten di dalam aplikasi ini berdasarkan ulasan dari dokter dan ahli medis, sehingga kamu bisa tenang dan rileks saat menjalani masa kehamilan dan menjadi orang tua terbaik untuk buah hati. Fitur-fitur utama Diary Bunda: 🤰🏻 Pantau kehamilan dan tumbuh kembang anak 👶🏻 Dari info perkembangan minggu-ke-minggu selama masa kehamilan hingga tumbuh kembang anak setelah lahir, pantau terus perkembangan setiap anakmu dalam 1 aplikasi. 📚 Ribuan konten dan artikel terpercaya 📖 Baca ribuan artikel seputar kehamilan dan parenting — dari bahasan medis hingga gaya hidup — yang dipastikan telah ditinjau oleh dokter spesialis dan disajikan tepat waktu berdasarkan perkembangan usia kehamilan dan anak. 💬 Tanya-jawab dengan dokter spesialis 👨🏻‍⚕️ Punya pertanyaan buat dokter? Silakan tanyakan langsung kepada mitra dokter spesialis kami soal kekhawatiran apapun yang sekiranya Bunda miliki seputar kehamilan atau kesehatan ibu dan anak. ✏️ Catatan harian kehamilan 🤱🏻 Catat dan rekam terus perkembangan serta kenangan perjalanan Bunda selama masa kehamilan dalam fitur Catatan Harian yang juga dapat disertai gambar atau foto 🙋🏻‍♀️ Forum komunitas Bunda 💁🏻‍♀️ Ruang untuk saling berbagi dengan Bunda lainnya selama masa kehamilan dan tumbuh kembang anak. Dari berbagi pertanyaan, cerita pengalaman, hingga polling. Jangan tunggu sampai besok! Download Diary Bunda sekarang juga, dan pastikan perjalanan kehamilan dan menjadi orang tua yang kamu miliki, sehebat dan seindah yang kamu impikan. Let’s Connect! Instagram: diarybundaapp Facebook: facebook.com/diarybundaapp Email: [email protected]
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App Review


Diary Bunda Aplikasi Kehamilan offers a range of useful features for expecting mothers:

  • Pregnancy tracker: The app provides comprehensive tracking of the user's pregnancy journey, allowing them to monitor the progress of their baby week by week.
  • Health records: It enables users to record important health information throughout their pregnancy, including weight, blood pressure, and any medical appointments.
  • Nutrition guide: The app offers a detailed guide on proper nutrition during pregnancy, providing information on necessary nutrients and suggesting suitable dietary plans.
  • Exercise recommendations: It provides exercise recommendations tailored to each stage of pregnancy, allowing users to stay active and maintain their fitness in a safe manner.
  • Baby kick counter: There is a dedicated feature to count the baby's movements, helping expectant mothers ensure their baby is active and healthy.


The app is extremely user-friendly, making it easy for both tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy users to navigate its features effortlessly. The interface is intuitive, and all the options are conveniently located on the main screen. Additionally, the app provides clear instructions and guidance for each feature, ensuring users can make the most out of the app's capabilities.


Diary Bunda Aplikasi Kehamilan boasts an appealing and visually pleasing design. The color scheme is calm and soothing, reflecting the serenity of the pregnancy journey. The layout is well-organized, with neatly categorized sections and easily readable text. The use of appropriate icons enhances the app's overall aesthetic, making it visually engaging.


  • The app offers a vast range of features essential for a pregnant woman, providing a comprehensive solution for tracking and managing pregnancy.
  • The user interface is highly intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible for all types of users.
  • The nutrition guide and exercise recommendations contribute to the overall well-being of expectant mothers, ensuring a healthy and active pregnancy.
  • The app allows users to record and monitor important health information, facilitating effective communication with healthcare professionals.
  • The baby kick counter feature provides peace of mind, helping mothers ensure their baby is active and healthy.


  • It would be beneficial to include a reminder feature for medical appointments or important milestones during pregnancy.
  • The app currently lacks a community or forum feature for users to connect with other expecting mothers, share experiences, and seek support.

In conclusion, Diary Bunda Aplikasi Kehamilan is a highly recommended app for expectant mothers. It offers a plethora of essential features, a user-friendly interface, and a visually pleasing design. Despite a few minor drawbacks, this app serves as an excellent companion throughout the beautiful journey of pregnancy.

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By Acey
I've been using the <Diary Bunda Aplikasi Kehamilan> app since the beginning of my pregnancy, and it has exceeded my expectations. The week-by-week updates and growth comparisons are fascinating, and the community forum provides a platform to connect with other moms-to-be. I love everything about this app!
14 Nov,2023
By Acey
This app is a lifesaver for any expecting mother! It has all the tools and resources needed to track and monitor your pregnancy. I especially love the week-by-week updates and the ability to document my thoughts and feelings in the diary section. It's like having a personal pregnancy assistant!
14 Nov,2023
By Elvis
As a first-time mom, I couldn't have asked for a better app to guide me through my pregnancy. The <Diary Bunda Aplikasi Kehamilan> app is user-friendly and packed with useful features. The personalized reminders for doctor appointments and important milestones are fantastic. I feel more confident and prepared thanks to this app.
14 Nov,2023
By Finn
I have tried several pregnancy apps, and this one is by far the best! The interface is clean and intuitive, making it easy to navigate and find everything I need. The daily health tips and exercises have been beneficial in keeping me active and informed. I highly recommend this app to all expecting moms out there!
14 Nov,2023
By Frankie
I absolutely love the <Diary Bunda Aplikasi Kehamilan> app! It has been so helpful throughout my pregnancy journey. The daily tips and articles provide valuable information and insights. The contraction tracker and kick counter features are also a great addition. Highly recommended!
14 Nov,2023