Study from Facebook

Meta Platforms, Inc.
DeveloperMeta Platforms, Inc.
Update Time2022-06-21
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About this app
Facebook Viewpoints participants invited to the Study program will need to download this app in order to participate. Registered participants in the Study program use this app to take part in market research. Participation is by invitation only. If you haven't been invited to join the program, this app won't work on your phone. About Study from Facebook: Insights from this program help us learn which apps people value and how they’re used. That way, we can build better products for Facebook and the community. What info does the Study app collect? Through the Study app, we collect and analyze participants' apps usage data. This includes info about: • The apps installed on participants' phones • Time participants spend using apps • Participants’ country, device, network type, carrier and language settings • Features participants use in certain apps, like home screen or support • Names of service providers displayed in participants’ apps, like advertising networks • The Paired Devices program collects and analyzes information from your phone about the Bluetooth devices paired and device identification codes How does Facebook use this info? We gain insights using data from groups of participants for business and product research • Info from participants helps us learn which apps people value and how they're used • We're able to better understand our community to improve Facebook Company Products • The Study app doesn’t collect user IDs, passwords or content people share, including messages or ad content • We don't sell data from this app to third parties To analyze data from the Study app, we may reference other info Facebook Viewpoints and Facebook have about you, such as your age, gender and how you use Facebook Company Products. This allows us to learn more about how you use different services. Connecting to Facebook Company Products We don’t add the apps usage data we collect through your participation in the Study program to accounts on other Facebook Company Products. Your apps usage data will not be used to personalize your experience, including to provide and improve ads for you and others, on Facebook Company Products. However, info you provided to Facebook Viewpoints or Facebook, such as your age, country and gender, may be used to personalize your experience, including to provide and improve ads for you and others, on Facebook Company Products. Read our Data Policy: Read our Terms:
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App Review

Study from Facebook is a mobile app designed to help students learn and retain information more effectively. It uses spaced repetition, an evidence-based learning technique, to help students remember information over time.


  • Spaced Repetition: Study uses spaced repetition to help students remember information over time. This technique involves presenting students with information multiple times, with increasing intervals between each presentation. This helps to move the information from short-term memory to long-term memory.
  • Active Recall: Study encourages students to actively recall information by asking them questions about the material they are learning. This helps to strengthen the neural connections associated with the information, making it more likely that students will be able to remember it in the future.
  • Personalized Learning: Study adapts to each student's individual learning style and pace. The app tracks students' progress and adjusts the difficulty of the questions and the frequency of the presentations accordingly.
  • Gamification: Study uses gamification elements to make learning more fun and engaging. Students earn points for answering questions correctly and completing challenges. They can also compete against other students in leaderboards.


Study is a well-designed app that is easy to use. The interface is clean and intuitive, and the app is responsive and fast. The app is also available for both iOS and Android devices, making it accessible to a wide range of students.


Study has a modern and sleek design. The app uses a color palette that is easy on the eyes, and the typography is clear and easy to read. The app is also well-organized, with all of the features and functions easy to find.


  • Evidence-based learning techniques: Study uses spaced repetition and active recall, which are both evidence-based learning techniques that have been shown to be effective in helping students learn and retain information.
  • Personalized learning: Study adapts to each student's individual learning style and pace, making it an effective tool for all types of learners.
  • Gamification: Study uses gamification elements to make learning more fun and engaging, which can help to motivate students to learn.
  • Available for iOS and Android: Study is available for both iOS and Android devices, making it accessible to a wide range of students.


  • Can be repetitive: The spaced repetition algorithm can sometimes lead to students seeing the same information multiple times in a short period of time, which can be repetitive and boring.
  • Can be difficult to use for some students: Study can be challenging for students who are not familiar with spaced repetition or active recall. The app also requires students to be self-motivated and disciplined in order to be effective.
  • Not a substitute for traditional learning: Study is a supplement to traditional learning, not a replacement. It is important for students to use Study in conjunction with other learning methods, such as reading, writing, and attending class.


Study is a well-designed app that uses evidence-based learning techniques to help students learn and retain information. The app is easy to use and accessible to a wide range of students. However, it can be repetitive and challenging for some students to use. Overall, Study is a valuable tool for students who are looking to improve their learning.

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